Starting on Monday, June 8, the Public Works Department will start the first of three phases of roadway asphalt edge grinding operations. Weather permitting, phase 1 of this operation will last approximately three weeks.
Driveways will mostly be accessible throughout this operation; however, drivers will need to exercise caution when entering and leaving driveways. We request drivers traverse patched areas and driveway approaches slowly. If you feel that you would rather park on the street, you may do so. The Police Department will not issue tickets in areas affected by roadway work while construction is in progress.
Roadway asphalt edge grinding and resurfacing is a program developed by the Public Works Department as an intermediate maintenance step to help prolong the life of streets that were not scheduled for reconstruction. For streets to qualify for this program, they must be in generally good condition throughout the center lane, but failing and breaking up near the curb and gutter line. Those failing portions of the street are then milled and resurfaced with hot mix asphalt (HMA). In 2014, Public Works crews used 6,498 tons of HMA to repair 35,098 square yards of asphalt pavement.
For phase 1, the following locations have been identified in need of repair:
Drury (Jane to Lillian) one side only this phase.
Carlyle Pl. (Palatine frontage to Windsor).
Phelps (Suffield to Canterbury).
Kennicott (Shenandoah to Alleghany) East side only this phase and 2" grind.
Ladd (Ridge to Gettysburg) north side only.
Verde (Alleghany to Champlain) East side only.
Waverly Ct. (Chestnut to cul-de-sac.
Kingsbury (Ridge to cul-de-sac) north side only
Highland (Henry to Burr Oak) east side only.
Burr Oak ( Dunton to Aarlington Heights Rd.) south side only.
Dunton ( Burr Oak to unimproved part of street).
Kennicott (north of Lake Terramere to cul-de-sac).
Weston (Kingsley to Schaefer).
Kingsley(Schaefer to Harvard).
As scheduling and weather allows, more locations may be added to phase 1. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact Scott Rowader, Public Works Street Unit Foreman at 847-368-5837 or
street construction, Arlington Heights Public Works