As residents are busy raking their leaves, it’s important to remember that the last day of yardwaste collection is Monday, November 25 for single-family residences north of Oakton and Tuesday, November 26 for homes south of Oakton.
Leaves and yardwaste materials must be placed into 30-gallon paper bags and a $2.10 yardwaste sticker must be affixed to each bag placed at the curb for collection. Any branches or brush collected must be tied into bundles with biodegradable twine and a yardwaste sticker must be affixed to each bundle. Bundled materials must not exceed 5 feet in length, 2 feet in diameter or weigh more than 50 pounds.
If bags of yardwaste material are left after the November 25th and 26th deadline, residents can place remaining bags of yardwaste at the curb during the scheduled pick-up of Christmas trees, on regular yardwaste collection days January 6 through January 14, 2014.
Village Street Sweeping Operations, Fall Clean-Up Rules
Street-sweeping operations have been increased for the Fall season. During the season, the Village's five street sweepers sweep 19 zones, and residents can expect their neighborhoods to be swept 3-4 times during the Fall.
Street sweepers collect leaves that naturally fall into the streets. Raking or blowing leaves into the street from a resident’s private property or the village’s parkway violates Village ordinance. It’s important that residents with landscapers remind crews that they cannot place leaves into the street. Residents are responsible for the work their landscaper does. If a landscaper blows leaves into the street, it is the resident’s responsibility to remove the leaves.
If street sweeper crews reasonably identify leaves as having been intentionally placed in the street, they are instructed to go around those piles of leaves. Notices may be delivered to residents asking them to remove leaves they may have placed into the street. Raking or blowing leaves into the street creates a hazard for the entire neighborhood. Leaves can possibly clog street drains during a rain storm and a leaf-covered street can create a slippery road surface.